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Friday, May 10, 2013

Weightlifting vs. Bodybuilding: Is there a Difference?

Many women believe that lifting weights will make them look like a bodybuilder and less feminine. Well guess what? You couldn't be any more wrong! Lifting weights, power lifting and bodybuilding are all different categories of weight lifting and should not be lumped together as a whole. I used to fall into the cardio only category thinking that was how I would lose weight and burn fat the best. 

Then, I read somewhere that muscle burns fat and I was hooked immediately! I now weight train 2-3 times each week and I've experienced the most changes in my body. I personally find weight lifting a welcomed break to my typical cardio sessions. According to one study, adding just two sessions per week of heavy lifting can reduce your body fat by three percent without cutting calories. That's insane! 

What else is that weight lifting gives you toned muscles with better definition. I prefer 5-10lb free weights and do biceps, triceps, shoulders and back. And, I have to say, my shoulder muscle are more defined, I have womanly biceps and I feel great! 

These two above mentioned reasons are great enough to have me sold on weight training. But if it's not enough for you, here are more points to motivate you to grab those weights!

  • You burn more calories during the 24 hours after your training session
  • Stronger muscles support your joints and can help reduce your risk of developing osteoporosis
  • Lifting heavier weights can help you feel empowered and boost self-esteem
  • Lifting weights can normalize high blood pressure
  • And, as with any form of exercise, lifting weights can help relieve depression and anxiety, reduce fatigue and make you more energetic 
So the next time you hit the gym, don't shy away from the weight rack. Walk over there, grab your weights, and start your grind! These days, strong is the new skinny!


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