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Saturday, October 26, 2013

The End of Another Decade, Now Onto 30...

Well today I say goodbye to a decade that treated me VERY well. I'm 30... I know most females dread turning 30 and feel it's that marker that once you pass, everything is downhill. And not that relieving feeling when running downhill where your run gets easier. It's the downhill sense that your health will get worse, your brain slower, and your looks will fade. If you asked me 10 years ago, this was exactly my feeling towards turning 30. I said I would do whatever I could (including a nip and tuck lol) if it meant I'd look and feel young forever. 

So, was I ready to turn 30 this year? Now that the day has arrived, I feel at peace with 30 and I'm actually embracing it. I think a lot of this has to do with the fact that so much happened in my 20s. There were quite a few ups and downs; so much I'm surprised I didn't vomit from the whiplash! But, it's all made me who I am today. I'm happy where I am in life. I have a great job, I live a healthy lifestyle, have an amazing boyfriend and friends, own a beautiful home, and am in a very comfortable place in my life. 

Here's a quick Top 20 Milestones from My 20's list, the good, and the not-so-good times:

1. Came of legal age to drink
2. Gained more than my Freshman 15...
3. Got into a car accident and totaled my car
4. Graduated college
5. Moved to Florida all by my lonesome
6. Started a "real" job 
7. Got fired from said job
8. Went broke for a little bit
9. Started a new job
10. Began truly living healthy, and lost 35 lbs
11. Sister got married
12. Removed some excess baggage from my life
13. Bought a house
14. Began a new relationship
15. Became an aunt
16. Was laid off
17. Started a great job that allowed me to save a lot of money
18. Hit goal of 18% body fat (yeah this is a big deal to me to make my list!)
19. Completed a long bathroom demo and remodel project
20. Became an aunt for a second time

There's a little more to the list, but I don't want to get too personal with it. I think you get the idea.  

Therefore, I'm excited to see what happens in my 30s and can only hope I will embrace the next decade so well! 


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