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Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Vanilla Honey Protein Dip

Drinking a protein shake can be awesome when you find a great tasting powder. But after so many days in a row of downing a drip, it's fun to mix up the ways in which you can consume your protein powder. There are so many simple and delicious recipes to do just that. This recipe incorporates Image Sports Weight Loss Whey in Vanilla Graham Cracker. This isn't your ordinary protein powder... Along with 22g of protein, Weight Loss Whey contains CLA, Carnitine and Green Coffee Bean, all ingredients known for promoting weight loss. This Vanilla Honey Protein Dip is a must-try! 

Vanilla Honey Protein Dip
1 cup FAGE Total 0% Fat Greek Yogurt
1 scoop Image Sports Weight Loss Whey
1 tbsp honey
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
1/2 tsp cinnamon

Mix all ingredients together and place in a serving bowl. Serve with pita, pretzels, bread or your favorite cracker.

What's your favorite way to "Whey"? 

Monday, May 19, 2014

Weight-Loss Bikini Pic That Went Viral

I'm not gonna lie, I did cringe a little. And yes, I feel bad for doing it. But why do you think magazines are littered with gorgeous models, or why Abercrombie & Fitch bags have lean, ripped hotties? Because we like looking at attractive and sexy beings. So it's only natural to not feel "good" when looking at saggy skin. But the more I thought about it, I realized that if I were in Brooke Birmingham's shoes, I would feel damn good and proud and want to flaunt my new body. This made me think about my own weight loss. I am still not "skinny" in the world of fitness or modeling, but when I lost 35lbs I wanted to flaunt my new look in skimpy clothing and swim suits.

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

My Switch to a FitBit Flex

So you may have read my post about the Fitbit Force and how much I loved it. Well that was written before the voluntary recall. Now you can't even purchase that model. They pulled them all from the shelves and are revamping it. I guess it was causing a skin rash or burn where the charging port touched the top of you wrist. I never had any issues with it and made the choice to keep mine. A couple weeks ago, I lost mine!! I was so upset and didn't realize just how much I relied on this little device to help me with daily goals.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Healthy Salmon & Brussels Sprouts Recipe

Healthy recipe time! This one contains quite a few health benefits and one of my favorite dinners. One food I hear many people don't like is brussels sprouts. Althought I'm not sure how you can't love these great-tasting greens, brussels sprouts are high in antioxidant and can aid in lowering cholesterol and reducing inflammation. 

And everyone knows that salmon is an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids for heart health and brain/nerve function. Salmon is also the easy way to get your daily protein to strengthen muscle and tissue. And, did you know that avocado fruit is considered by the Guinness World of Record to be the most nutritious fruit??? I knew it was good for you, but that little fact right there surprised even me! It contains valuable fat to lower cholesterol, they are high in fiber to help reduce your appetite, and they contain lots of necessary vitamins. This recipe is a must try: