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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Plyo for Power

Ever heard of plyometrics? If you haven't, then you definitely want to acquaint yourself with it. Plyometrics, plyo for short, is a great workout for both men and women. It just so happens to be one of my favorites. Check out the p90x Plyometrics CD for an awesome workout! 

Originally developed for Olympic competitors, plyo is a training technique designed to increase muscle power and explosiveness. These moves help improve the function of muscle, tendons, and nerves to allow you to run faster, jump higher, and hit harder.

This high-intensity workout melts fat fast while toning all over. Do each move in quick succession, up to five times a week. Then jump at the chance to show off your sexy body. The anti-flab plyometrics routine can zap an astounding 10 calories per minute for a 135-pound woman. Start slowly, then pick up the pace. Here's a breakdown of the benefits: 

Benefits your muscles. Physical power is the ability to convert strength into speed as quickly as possible. But to do this, muscle fibers need to be strong. Plyometric movements can strengthen and increase the number of fibers in your muscles.

Benefits to tendons. To increase the power and speed of movements, you need to improve the strength of your tendons. Stronger tendons mean fewer injuries. Plyometrics strengthen your tendons and boost their elasticity.

Benefits to nervous system. Every time you contract your muscles, your brain sends a signal to your muscles via your neuromuscular system. If your neuromuscular system can transmit this signal efficiently, then your muscles contract and relax quicker, which leads to an increase in your athletic speed and power. Plyo can boost this efficiency.

Plyo for Beginners
Plyo is a great routine to mix up your regular bike ride, weight training or treadmill exercises. So perform these basics, and when you've finished this routine, do a second and third round if you can...

Box Jumps: Stand in front of an aerobic step or other suitable platform (like a box or park bench). Try to find something that’s about 18″ off the ground. As you get stronger, increase the height. Jump onto the box and immediately back down to the same position. Immediately repeat. Perform the jumps as quickly as possible for 30 seconds. 

Plie Jacks: Start in a low plie squat. Hop up as high as you can and click your heels in together at the center. Land back in a plie squat. Repeat for 20 reps. 

Seal Jumping Jacks: Start with your feet about hip-width apart, arms straight out to the sides at shoulder height. Clap your hands in front of your chest and jump just high enough to spread your feet wide. Without pausing, quickly return to the starting position. That's one rep; do 20 as quickly as you can with control.

Soaring Eagle: Stand with feet hip-width apart, arms down. Squat, leaning torso forward and extending arms behind you, palms facing ceiling. Explode up, reaching arms and legs wide. Land with knees soft, feet hip-width apart, and squat low again. Repeat as many times as you can for one minute.

Heisman (or Lateral Jump): Stand on a firm surface with plenty of room. Jump or step, depending on your level of physical ability, to the right. Balance on the ball of your right foot. Pull your left knee up toward your right elbow as you jump on the right foot. Hold for one to three breaths and jump to your left foot. Balance and hold. Repeat repetitions on both sides for a total of one minute. 

Pogo Stick: Stand with feet apart, arms down and knees slightly bent. Contract abs and quickly push off toes, bursting up with feet and wrists flexed. Land softly on balls of feet with knees slightly bent. Repeat for one minute. 

Flutter Kick: Lie face up. Squeeze abs and butt as you alternately kick right leg and left leg quickly up toward ceiling. Repeat for one minute.

Squat Jumps: Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Squat down and jump as high as possible. Upon landing, squat and immediately jump up again.

This post was inspired by a friend who's getting into p90x and did the Plyometrics CD. She was telling me just how sore she was, but I told her she'll learn to love the CD because plyo has amazing effects on the body :)


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