So instead of slowing down, I'm going into beast mode! I have my workouts planned out for the week and have made it my goal to workout twice a day, three days a week and once a day for another three days. So nine workouts a week. My food consumption has just gotten totally out of control. My plan is to blast this excess fat away with High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT), while trying to reduce my calorie intake. At higher intensities, you are burning far more fat. This allows you to exercise at very high intensities for a much longer period of time than consistent state, so you burn more fat. Furthermore, the amount of oxygen your body can use is increased, so your overall aerobic capacity can increase faster than with low intensity endurance exercise.
If you are one of those people who thinks cardio is boring or if you really want to burn off some fat, then you need to step it up and try HIIT. The short spurts of cardio moves are changed up so frequently, you'll be shocked when it's over in 30 minutes! Mix it up each day. Day 1 could be Running HIIT, Day 2 Jump Rope HIIT, Day 3 Cycling HIIT, Day 4 Plyo HIIT. Or just mix these all into one complete workout. I like to do the running HIIT by itself and mix in all the others. When doing this, I'll sprint for 30 seconds then walk for 90 seconds and repeat this for 15-20 reps. Here's a two-day plan that I like to use:
What HIIT routine do you like best?
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