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Friday, May 31, 2013

Diet Tips for Ultimate Weight Loss

While physical activity plays a big role in weight loss and overall health, your diet plays an even bigger role. I've heard that weight loss is a result of 80% diet and 20% exercise. Perfect example is my mom, she joined Weight Watchers and in a year, she lost over 115 pounds! The only physical activity she performed was moderate walking while out shopping for the day... Although, I am still a firm believer in exercise to build a healthy heart, strong bones and muscle tone. But, if perform physical activity and eat junk food, your results will not pan out how you'd like them too. 

Sticking to a healthy diet is a lifestyle change. And, self control is a top reason most diets fail. So here are some diet tips to help you when you're struggling to reach your weight loss goals:

1. On Sunday, make your lunch and snacks for the week to take to work. If you have something to eat, you are less likely to buy food or hit up the vending machine. 

2. Track your meals with an app or food journal. When you see what you are eating it helps you recognize your weakness and eating habits and allows you to change them easily. 

3. Eat on a smaller plate. Instead of a 10-12 inch plate, use a 6-8 inch one instead. We typically fill our plates with food and when we do this with a larger plate, we obviously eat more than we should. Using a smaller plate, we are able to trick our minds into thinking we are eating the same amount. 

4. The color of your plate matters. Be sure to stock your cabinets with both light and dark colored plates. The less color contrast between the food and the plate leads to eating more. So when you make chicken, pork, or tilapia, opt for a darker colored plate. But if you are eating beef, go for the white plate, you'll eat less. 

5. Don't buy junk food for the house. If you don't have the food in your house, you are less likely to eat it! Stock your home with healthy snacks, like plain rice cakes, FAGE 0% Fat Greek Yogurt, Sun-Maid Raisins, cherry tomatoes, snap peas, cucumbers, carrot sticks, Kashi TLC Oatmeal Raisin Flax Cookies, Edy's Fat Free No Sugar Added Vanilla Chocolate Swirl Ice Cream, Orville Redenbacher’s Smart Pop, and the list goes on! 

6. Make small adjustments if you eat out. If you order a salad, ask for the dressing on the side. Opt for grilled chicken instead of fried chicken. Or go for steamed veggies on the side instead of fries. 

7. Splurge on a meal. Each week, one meal, I like to have a "cheat meal". I go all out! Every once in a while, we need to indulge in our favorites. If you are too strict for weeks straight, you may go crazy from depriving yourself of things you once loved and blow your diet. I recommend making a lunch your cheat meal so you have the remainder of the day to burn off those extra calories :) 

8. If you get bored, don't eat! Never eat unless you're hungry. Many people eat out of boredom and have a false sense of hunger. When you get bored, get up and do something. You could go for a bike ride, read a book, shop, etc. Or simply chew a piece of gum; it will keep you from eating. 

When you're dieting, don't over-complicate it. Simplifying things will make your diet most successful. And remember, you can't go from one extreme to another. If you make small changes at a time, you allow your body to adjust, making your weight loss journey a smooth one. 

Visit @FitFadFan and for more diet and nutrition tips! 
What are some of your diet tips? Leave a comment for others to see!


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