Dieting is difficult, especially if you love to eat as much as I do. Often,
when we think of dieting, we think we need to give up everything we love to
eat, but that's not entirely true. When we completely give up all the things we
love in order to shed a few pounds, we get bored or we let temptation get the
best of us and the worst way! Instead of cutting things off, make
For example, if you love tacos you can make a lot of modifications to
make this meal healthy:
- Instead of tortilla shells, use lettuce wraps or, I found these Smart & Delicious™ Low Carb, High Fiber Tortillas that only have 80 calories per wrap ( as opposed to the 180 calories per of the white corn tortilla shells most often used
- Eliminate cheese from your taco, or use non-fat options
- Instead of beef use ground pork, use a lean meat or protein like chicken, turkey, fish, or shrimp...the possibilities are endless
- If you love sour cream and can't have a taco without it then use non-fat
- Don't use guacamole, cut up fresh avocado instead (the most nutritious fruit!)
- Use lots of veggies for important vitamins and minerals - tomato, romaine lettuce, onions, mushrooms, etc.

Now compare this to going to Moe's or Chipotle for a taco or burrito
which can have over 1,000 calories depending on what you put in it!! I read
this in the 2013 edition of Eat This Not That by David Zinczenko and have never
gone back to Moe's or Chipotle since... By the way, this book is a great read
for dieters. It covers food options for the supermarket, restaurants, home
cooking and even food for your kids. I highly recommend this.
Another word of advice I'd like to share is if you're just starting a
new diet, slowly cut back your food intake so your body (and tummy!) can get
adjusted. The worst feeling is starvation! But you can train your stomach to
get fuller faster if you slowly make your portions smaller and smaller.
As always, be sure to check out my and Twitter
@FitFadFan for daily tips and motivation!!
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