Studies have shown that those dieting that track their meals in a journal are most successful. In this day and age, who has time to keep a written journal?? It's obsolete! I always hear people say "There's an app for that!" And it's so true. But how do you choose the right one? That's a little more difficult. But, there are so many free calorie counter apps it can be overwhelming. So let me help make this easier for you...
LiveStrong's MyPlate Calorie Tracker.

This app allows you to track your meals, snacks, water intake, and exercise along with your weight and the breakdown of nutrients for the day. The added bonus for this one is not only is it FREE, but you also earn points for everything you track from mPOINTS. This allows you to redeem for rewards.

The app is very easy to use. When tracking foods, it saves recently and frequently eaten so you don't have to retype the same meal everyday. I always eat oatmeal and raisins for breakfast on weekdays, so this saves info for me.
Now there are other option. I've used quite a few. Another good one is MyFitnessPal. It has all of the same feature at MyPlate, but without rewards. And then there's Humana Fit. This one is a little different in that it has GPS tracking so if you run or bike outside, it will track your route. Also, if you have Humana Health Insurance, you can earn points with staying active.
Regarless of which one you choose, tracking your meals helps you stay on top of the foods you consume to help you better understand your eating habits. It helps you decide what you are not getting enough of, or what your weakness is, or other things that might be leading to hiccups in your weight loss journey.
It's all about making the right food choices to live a healthier life!
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