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Workout Move of the Week

Bikini season is right around the corner and you want to ultimate bikini body to strut around this summer in that new two-piece. From washboard abs, to sculpted shoulders, to a perky butt, to sexy arms, to toned legs and more, you want it all. Well hit the gym and incorporate these moves to get that amazing body in time for summer!  

May 30, 2014
I don't work my glutes nearly as often as I probably should, but this move is one of my favorites. And the more you do it, the more you can actually tell you are getting stronger. Not only does it work the glutes, but also the legs and core. 

Single Leg Bridge
Lie on your back with knees bent and feet on the floor. Lift up through your abs until hips are in line with knees. Extend one leg outward. Lift and lower the leg for 10 reps, keeping your hips in the air, and repeat on the other side. Alternate legs for 3 sets. Just be sure your hips don't sink down. Pushing your hips to the air is where your strength training comes in. As always, performing an exercise correctly is how you build muscle.

May 21, 2014
Anyone can perform a basic crunch in a million variations of it. But why keep doing the same exercise when there are so many other core exercise options to build strong abs and be well on your way to a six pack!  Knee ups are a nice change from crunches and work other muscles so you can get an all around toned core.

Knee Ups
Knee-ups are another exercise for the lower abs. To perform this exercise, sit on the end of a bench and place your hands on the sides for support. Extend your legs out in front of you with your feet together and your heels on the floor. To begin the movement, bend your knees and pull them up toward your chest. Squeeze your abs for a count of one, then extend your legs back in front of you but do not let your feet touch the floor. Perform 3 sets of 10 reps.

May 12, 2014
We are starting a new week and your mind may not be focused much on your workout routine, but don't let a case of the Mondays throw off your week. Here's a quick little exercise to help tone your arms and shoulders. It's the aerobox. Never heard of it? Well it's super simple to perform and has awesome effects on your arms. Try it out! 


Grab a light set of free weights. If you're just starting out, I suggest 1lb, but I use 2.5lb weights. Stand with your left foot in front of the other about 2 feet apart. Bring your hands with weights up to your face with your palms facing each other. Punch with your left hand then right. Go at a pace you are comfortable with. Perform 2 sets of 30 reps. Then switch your feet and perform another 2 sets of 30 reps. 

May 5, 2014
You may not think balance is important, but if you think about it, balance is an important factor in strength training. The stronger you are, the better your balance will be. So this exercise is perfect to train your thighs, butt and core all while improving your balance. The more you perform it, you'll notice how much easier it gets and the less wobbly you'll be! 

Single-Leg Deadlift

Stand on your left leg and lean forward to touch your left foot with your right hand. As you lean forward let you right leg stretch out behind you as far as you can. Then, push back to the starting position and repeat for 3 sets of 12 reps. Then switch to the other side and perform the same number of sets and reps. Once you get comfortable with this exercise, add some free weights to make it more challenging.


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