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The human GI tract contains more than 500 species of
bacteria that help break down food, strengthen immunity, and ward off
pathogens. And, this bacteria accounts for 3 lbs of your weight. That's crazy
when you think about it! When the "bad" strains get out of control is
when you may experience problems as minor as diarrhea or as serious as a
systemic infection. Regardless, it is important to balance your flora.
You'd be surprised at the various factors that can throw off
your bacterial balance... Stress, changes in the diet, contaminated food,
chlorinated water, and numerous other factors can alter the bacterial flora in
the intestinal tract.
Probiotics can do wonders to improve the digestive tract and
boost the immune system. A lack of sufficient probiotics can lead to ulcers,
irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, inflammatory
bowel disease, and other gut inflammations. Here's something shocking that I
didn't know (and you male readers, may want to ignore this one lol)...
probiotics help restore the balance of microflora in the vagina and may be
useful in treating such common female problems as bacterial vaginosis, yeast
infection, and urinary tract infection.
Life is about balance and regularity. So to play it safe, I
recommend taking a probiotic supplement every day—even on the days you are able
to eat fermented foods.
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