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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Don't Have TIME to Eat Healthy? That's BS!

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Whether it's working full time, shuffling the kids around, making time for the gym, running errands, and the list could go on, we all live busy lives. Managing our ever growing to-do lists can often lead to failed diets from eating out or eating pre-made junk food just to save some time from not cooking. But, you can find healthy alternatives when your time is limited! So, no more excuses! Gone are the days you say you don't have time to cook healthy. I'm here to share some secrets on quick meals that are also healthy. The key is planning your meals ahead and stick to a strict shopping list. 

While I don't have any kids, I constantly feel like my life is go, go, go!! I work fulltime, add to that my two plus hour roundtrip drive to said job, hitting the gym after work, and managing two households. The last one in that list makes grocery shopping difficult because I can't stock up on groceries between homes or they'll go bad... I've used these reasons as excuses to poor eating habits. But then I said "No More!!" I dug deep into recipes and scoured the grocery store for some of my favorites that are easy to make and healthy. Here's what I found:

Your meals should consist of a staple, carb and veggies. Here are some options for each of those categories:

Seafood cooks the fastest, so you can always prepare something in under 20 minutes.
                Salmon - 15 minutes
                Shrimp - 10 minutes (or under 5 minutes if you just marinade pre-cooked shrimp)
                Tuna - you can buy tuna in a can and drain it and pour over your meal (DO NOT add mayo!)
If you opt for meats, there are some you can cook in minimal time.
                Chicken - buy it in a can and you just drain and serve or you can heat it up too. I love the Valley Fresh 100% Natural White Chicken in Water, 97% Fat Free. (Half of the can is about 130 calories)
                Beef Tenderloin Steak - cooks in a fry pan for only 3 minutes on each side and has about 200 calories per 4 ounce serving
                Boneless, Skinless Pork Chop - cook 1-inch thick chops in fry pan over medium heat for 6 minutes on each side. Each 4 ounce serving is 150 calories.  

Uncle Ben's Brown Basmati - cooks in 90 seconds in the microwave and has 0% sodium (230 calories per 1 cup serving)
Archer Farms (Target Brand) Farro - cooks in 90 seconds in the microwave and has 0% sodium (200 calories per 1 cup serving, I typically only eat half a cup)
Fat Free  Cottage Cheese - depending on the brand, it's about 90 calories per 1/2 cup
Applesauce - 1/2 cup only has about 50 calories and you can add cinnamon for a little flavor 

Always use fresh vegetables for the most and best nutrients for your body.
                Steamed Broccoli
                Green Beans - pan fry with garlic
                Carrot sticks
                Cherry Tomatoes
                Avocado Slices

So now that you have some ideas, let's put a complete sample meal together...  

Prep Time: 5 minutes
Cook Time: 5 minute
Total Calories: approx. 368

1/2 can Fresh Valley Chicken (130 calories)
1 cup Farro (200 calories)
5 Cherry Tomatoes (20 calories)
5 Baby Carrot Sticks (18 calories)

Cook Farro for 90 seconds in microwave. Cook chicken for about 60 seconds until warm. Mix 1/2 cup of Farro with 1/2 can of chicken. Rinse carrots and tomatoes and serve.

And walla, there you have it!! Dinner in 10 minutes max with minimal calories and packed with protein, vitamins and nutrients.


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