I get asked a lot why I go to the gym as often as I do, or how do I do it? It's quite simple. My health, my appearance, and my sanity. Aren't those the reason most everyone incorporates fitness into their lives? I care enough about my health to eat right and exercise. And actually my sanity falls into the health category too. I have a stressful job and the older I get, the harder it is for me to deal with stress. Going to a kickboxing class or running 4 miles really does make me feel better.
Now don't get me wrong, there are days (many days) I don't feel like doing it. But the outcome of not going scares me. I'm sorry, I don't want to be overweight. I don't want a jelly roll flop over my jeans.
I'm happy when I look in the mirror and like what I see. And if you don't like what you see, you should change it. Only you can change whether you're happy or not. All too often I hear females complain about their weight. I get it, I was that woman too. But I decided the day came when giving in to every want and need had to stop. I said no to the late night snacking, no to dessert, no to eating out with my girlfriends. It was time to focus on me and make a commitment to be healthy and fit. It's not easy, but if you care enough about yourself and your future, you make the change too.
No matter why you workout, please make sure you are doing it for YOU! Don't change for anyone else. Also, make sure it's fun. Life is too short to not enjoy the things we love. So find something you like; maybe it's a recreational sport, or a group class, or some lower key like yoga. Whatever it is, make the time NOW because what you do today will better your tomorrow. No one ever regrets a workout. So...
Why do you incorporate fitness into your life?
I agree with what you said about being able to deal with stress better when you exercise. I think that is my biggest reason why I make sure I incorporate some sort of workout routine into my days. I am also like you though and want to feel and look better as well. I have some people in my family who don't feel good because of their weight and I see how it effects their lives. I was going in that direction before I made the conscious choice to start taking care of myself better. I started eating well and working out and lost all the weight I put on. I seriously don't know how I survived before this change in my life. Thanks for sharing!
No, thank you for sharing your story! It's amazing how a little bit of exercise can go a long way. Keep up the great work!
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