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You don't need to diet to lose weight. Making simple changes, adjustments, or improvements can do wonders to your body. So don't starve yourself and don't believe the Atkin's Diet or HCG or whatever the newest fad diet plan is. Just be mindful of some minor things and you can have weight loss success.
Keep your Eye on the
Tape your
"skinny" picture to your bathroom mirror, or a picture of what you
think is the ideal body. You will see it every morning and it's more motivation
to eat right and exercise so you can achieve those results. Or, hang your
skinny jeans somewhere you'll see them every day. The more you see them, the
more you will want to fit into them, thus giving you more motivation.
a Tall, Thin Glass
Using a tall, skinny
glass instead of a short, wide tumbler will help cut liquid. You'll drink
25%-30% less juice, soda, wine, or any other beverage. Studies showed that all
kinds of people poured more into a short, wide glass -- even experienced
Time Your Meals
Scarfing down a meal
leads to overeating and eventually weight gain. Set a timer for 20 minutes and
reinvent yourself as a slow eater. You don't need a complicated diet plan, you
just need to enjoy your food at a slower pace. So sit down, set the timer and
savor each bite. Your body will recognize the feeling of fullness at this
slower pace.
More, Weigh Less
According to
research, sleeping an extra hour a night could help you drop 14 pounds in a
year, based upon a 2,500 calorie per day intake. Results would vary for each
person. That extra hour of idleness can cut out an hour of mindless tv watching
or snacking. There's also other research that shows getting too little sleep
revs up your appetite, leading to increased calories.
Eat More Veggies
Instead of having a
carb or starch with your dinner, serve three different vegetables. You'll eat
more veggies and feel fuller all while eating less calories. Vegetables contain
lots of valuable vitamins, nutrients and fat burning power! The high water
content in veggies helps you feel fuller faster.
Start with Soup, or
Stop with Soup
The best soups for
you are minestrone, tortilla soup, or Chinese won-ton. Soup slows your eating
and curbs your appetite. So starting with soup can lead to a smaller main
course or work perfectly as your main meal. Make your own in the slow cooker!
Start with a low-sodium broth or canned soup, add fresh or frozen vegetables
and cook. DO NOT eat creamy soups, they can be high in fat and calories.
Eating when you Pause
You that moment when
you drop the fork for a few minutes to digest, take a break or whatever your
reason is? Well this break is known as the "eating pause." Make note
of when you take this break and don't eat another bite. This is your body's way
of telling you that you're full, but not stuffed. Most people miss it.
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