I'm in the process of trying to pack and move in hopes of selling my house in the coming weeks and I find that my arms and legs have been slightly sore. This got me thinking about ordinary life chores can really be a good workout if performed correctly (of course!). It's recommended to get about 150 minutes of cardio each week, and to some this number may seem high. But just think about the housework you do each week. Some of it consists of moderate intensity work. And one study showed women perform 143 minutes of housework each work. This is where multitasking comes in... Make the most of the household chores to not only clean up but to also tone up!
If you pick 2-4 chores each day to perform, you can ideally burn 300-400 calories if you focus and treat this as your daily workout routine. To start, actually plan out your cleaning schedule. Break each cleaning session into 30-45 minute time frames. Here's a sample of three activities: Cleaning the floors and the bathroom and doing laundry. This plan should take at least 45 minutes...

Do you turn up the intensity when cleaning the house?
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