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Saturday, November 23, 2013

Mommy and Baby Workout Routine

So I had the joy of watching my 2 month old nephew the other day. And let me start by saying, man, that was some hard work! I don't think I could do it on a daily basis. My entire schedule was off. And anyone who knows me knows I live by a schedule. Although I don't feel like I did much over the course of the day, I do feel like I got a pretty decent workout in. lol My little nugget would get bored if I kept him in one position for too long, so I had to keep switching arm positions and bounce him around throughout the day. He's already nearing 12lbs and it doesn't seem like much until you have to hold him for hours on end. 

I always thought if I ever decided to have kids that it would throw a wrench in my workout routine. But I realized the other day that there are quite a few exercises you can do with a baby that will benefit both of you! So whether you have a newborn or might be babysitting a new born, try out these exercises:

Either holding the baby or pushing the stroller, step forward with your left leg and bend it into a 90 degree angle. Don't lean your upper half forward. Keep you abs tight and make sure your left knee doesn't extend past your toes. Once in lunge form, push back with left foot to starting position. Repeat with right leg. Perform 10-12 reps on each side for 3 sets. 

Chest Press & Crunch 
Lying down on your back with your knees bent, hold your baby and extend your arms straight above your shoulders. Lift and lower for 3 sets of 10 reps. In the same position, place your little one on your thighs. Perform a basic crunch up and down for 3 sets of 12 reps. 

Glute Lift 
Keeping your baby on your hips and thigh region, perform a glute lift. Pushing with your heels, lift your hips off the ground. Hold for 2 seconds and release back to your starting position. Do 3 sets of 12 reps to work your glutes and hamstrings. 

Push Ups
Everyone knows how to perform a push up. So whether you do full body or a one from your knees, these can easily be done by placing your tot under your head area. When you lower down, give your baby a kiss to keep them giggling and occupied while you work your upper body. 

Shoulder Press with Squat Now if you're ready for a total body move, stand with your feet about hip-width apart. Hold you little one in front you and squat down. When you push up with your legs, then extend your arms above you to perform a shoulder press. To start, perform 12 reps. Try to work your way up to a total of 3 sets. 

What's your favorite Mommy and Baby Exercise? 


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